Women’s Ministry
As women we have the unique opportunity to minister in various ways as Christian mothers and wives but also as sisters in Christ. We realize we need to fellowship together. We offer several opportunities for our women to meet together. These opportunities include;
- Mother’s Day Tea
- Women’s Night Out the last Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm
- Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets
- Adopt-a-Family at Christmas
Men’s Ministry
You are invited to our Men’s Prayer Breakfast at the church on the last Saturday of each month at 8:00 am. We also have a Retired Men’s Breakfast the first Friday of each month at 8:00 am. Please call the church for location. Our men pray together, work together and celebrate what God has done in our families and in our church.
Children’s Ministry
New Banklick Baptist Church believes that our children are our future. We offer several opportunities for children. They are;
- Sunday School – We provide classes for all ages with qualified and dedicated teachers.
- Children’s Church – We mimic what is being done in big church. Our leaders lead us in singing, praying, Bible study, giving and teach us how to sit still in church.
- Children’s Choir – We meet on Sunday Evening during the regular service. Our leaders work with us to develop our talents as we sing. We present programs at Christmas, Easter and sometimes in between. Our grandparents especially love to come when we are presenting our programs.
- Worship KidStyle – Our Wednesday Evening program expands the lessons we learn in Sunday School and Children’s Church. Our dedicated leaders make this a fun and learning experience. We use videos, music and Bible stories.
- Other – We have an Easter Celebration, Jesus Birthday and Trunk or Treat to give us lots of fun time as well as learning the real meaning of holidays.
Youth Ministry
In the Upper Room we like to do “Something Different” all the time, which means we always have some fun and exciting times ahead. I do hope that you will come check us out and spend some time with some of the best teenagers EVER!!!
We also take trips together and serve Christ through our Youth gatherings.
Check us out on Facebook at
College and Careers
“The 12%” is New Banklick’s college and careers ministry. We are a discipleship group designed to support young adults who have been raised in the Church through the transition from Youth into family life and Church leadership. Our emphasis in on discovering God’s calling in our lives and learning how to live as Christians in today’s culture in accordance with the Word of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Check us out on Facebook at
Music Ministry
Our music ministry offers a variety of traditional and contemporary worship styles with something for everyone to enjoy and participate in. Our praise team leads in traditional hymnal-style worship with some contemporary additions and our worship band leads in contemporary-style worship with modern songs and traditional hymns played in full-band arrangements. Adult choir sings every Sunday morning and Kid’s choir leads worship each Sunday evening. Special music is offered weekly and is managed by a quarterly schedule. There is literally something for everyone here in a blend that humbly seeks to include every Christian in honest and passionate worship of our Lord.
Other Ministries
We have a food pantry that is stocked with staple items that we share with people just needing a little help.